Inhalt von ZDPV 133 (2017)

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  • Bader, N.T./P.L. Gatier/S. Timm

    New Greek Inscriptions from Ḫirbet es-Samrā Cemetery

  • E. Gass

    “Assur, Rute meines Zorns” (Jes. 10,5). Zur Situation der assyrischen Provinzen in der südlichen Levante

  • Geva-Kleinberger, A./J. Reich

    Tawfīq Canaans Briefe an Gustaf Dalman als linguistische Quelle für das Palästinensisch-Arabische

  • Guil, S.

    A New Perspective on the Various Components of the Siloam Water System in Jerusalem

  • Kleiman, A./M.E. Cohen/E. Hall/R.S. Homsher/I. Finkelstein

    Cult Activity at Megiddo in the Iron Age. New Evidence and a Long-Term Perspective

  • Pines, M./L. Sapir-Hen/O. Tal

    Consumption and Disposal Practices in the Southern Levant in Late Antiquity. Animal Bones from Ἀπολλωνία/Σώζουσα’s Hinterland as a Case Study

  • Rönnberg, M.F.

    Bemerkungen zur phönizisch-punischen Priesterikonographie

  • Sergi, O.

    The Emergence of Judah as a Political Entity between Jerusalem and Benjamin

  • Shalev, Y./S. Bar

    An 8th Century B.C.E. Israelite Administrative Centre at Tell el-Asāwir/Tēl ʾĒsūr

  • 237

    Cole, D.P., Lahav V. The Iron, Persian and Hellenistic Occupations within the Walls at Tell Halif. Excavations in Field II 1977-1980. With Contributions by J.P. Dessel and J.D. Sieger (Reports of the Lahav Research Project. Excavations at Tel Hallig, Israel V; Winona Lake, 2015). Rez. B. Fischer-Genz/H. Genz

  • 240

    Quinn, J.C./N.C. Vella (ed.), The Punic Mediterranean. Identities and Identifications from Phoenician Settlement to Roman Rule (British School at Rome Studies; Cambridge 2014). Rez. R. Raja

  • 106

    Todt, K.-P./B.A. Vest, Syria (Syria Prōtē, Syria Deutera, Syria Euphratēsia) (Tabula Imperii Byzantini 15; Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften – Philosophisch-Historische Klasse – Denkschriften 438; Wien 2014). Rez. A. Lichtenberger

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