Scientific conference: Temples, Synagogues, Churches and Mosques. Sacred Architecture in Palestine from the Bronze Age to Medieval Times
This year’s scientific conference of the German Society for the Exploration of Palestine takes place from 09.-11.12.2016 at Erbacher Hof in Mainz/Germany. The conference is entitled “Temples, Synagogues, Churches and Mosques. Sacred Architecture in Palestine from the Bronze Age to Medieval Times”. A detailed program can be downloaded here.
Because of the limited number of overnight accommodation, we suggest an early registration. Bookings are possible starting from August 1, 2018:
preferably online at, or
by email:, or
by telephone: Erbacher Hof; +49-6131-257-0
Please indicate “Temples, Synagogues, Churches and Mosques” on your booking.
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