Tell el-Fuhhar/Akko: Publication Project

Support of the publication of the excavation project funded by the DFG

Martin Peilstöcker (Mainz); Wolfgang Zwickel (Mainz) Between 1978 and 1983 Prof. Dr. Diethelm Conrad conducted excavations at Tell el-Furrah/Acre in Northern Israel. His work was focused on area K in the northwestern part of the hill. The complete documentation of the excavation project was brought to Mainz in 2011. The finds are stored at the University in Haifa, where they were investigated by the publication project. Thanks to financial support by the Deutscher Palästina Verein the collected data of the excavation could be stored into an OCHRE-database. Pictures and maps were digitized and put into a GIS-System).

Geförderte Projekte - 2012 - Akko


It was the purpose of the excavation „to choose an excavation site close to the acropolis in order to find an urban quarter situated offside the public buildings, that is a „normal“ quarter, a quarter of common people“ (Conrad, unpublished report to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft 1986). The excavations reached this goal by uncovering remains of a domestic quarter. This is evident from the architecture, the multitude of installations and numerous courts. Likewise the finds seem to support this thesis although their analysis is not yet finished. The residential quarter shows a great continuity of settlement in this particular place, which covers a period from the late Bronze Age until the late Hellenistic Age.

Further projects funded by the Society

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